The Conspiracy
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The Conspiracy

Burning Blade Hardcore Raiding Guild

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Shadow Priest Application (Accepted)

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1Shadow Priest Application (Accepted) Empty Shadow Priest Application (Accepted) Sun Jan 09, 2011 1:35 pm


Your Character(s): Rizftw

Char name/class/race: Rizftw, Shadow Priest, UD

/played time on this character: 31 days, 11 Hours

What's your spec, and why: Shadow, i dont remember why i decided to have as my MS but it has been my MS, this what im good.

What do you specifically like and/or dislike about your class and its specs: I think that the mastery is pretty bad for people with low gear, but it doesnt really concern me anymore since i got pretty much haste rating which makes it proc pretty often.

Do you have any gear for other specs and would you be willing to respec if we need you to: I have holy gear, but it isnt good enough to heal in T11 raids.


Do you have any other situational gear (resistances, etc): I have pvp that i got from doing bg's/arena when i was bored.

Do you have any alts and what are your goals on those: My guild in wotlk was always missing a tank, so i lvled DK witch became the guilds OT.

You: Riz

Nationality: Im born in Kazakhstan but i live in Sweden.


Describe yourself briefly: I love online games, i play WoW alot and HoN, i also love music, anime and going to rave parties.

Describe your ambitions in-game: I really give my all to be the best, thats my goal, i dont think that im pro or better than everyone else, but by having that kind of a goal ill always improve!

Is the account you're using originally yours: Yes.

Who else are able to access your account: Me,myself and i.

Guild History: The only succesful guilds where i have been needed was Continuum(WotLK) and Algorithm(Cata).

Previous guilds: I have been in lots of guilds, but the most serious in Cata is probably Algorithm

Reason for changing guilds: I got kicked from my previous guild, i got a chance to go back but i didnt take it since i didnt like the guildmasters attitude.

Have you switched servers before (which ones, how many times, etc)? No.

What other guilds (if any) are you currently applying to: Enigma, but they dont seem to be intressted.

How will you fit in: Im pretty social and can easily make friends! Smile

What do you expect from raiding in The Conspiracy: I expect great progress in raids!

How do you react to negative feedback: Ill just try to do it better next time or fix it if its something about my gear.

What do you think is the most important thing for any raider to be successfull in a raid: Learn from people who knows what to do and teach people who doesnt know what to do.

Do you know anyone in The Conspiracy that could vouch for you: Lugzen

Why should we pick you specifically: Im pretty good at learning stuff fast, even if i have never done a boss before ill know exactly what to do the second time i encounter the boss and i never give up! Im pretty sure that ill help the guild to progress.

Raiding: Is the reason im playing WoW.

Can you raid between 18:30.00 and 23.30 Server Time ? Yes,

How many (of the 3/4 official) raids would you join an average week? All of them if i get a spot.

Are you ok with rotating out of raids every now and then (without complaining about it every time)? If it is to improve the raid, yes.

Any days you can't raid or prefer to have as off-days? No.

What's your raiding experience in WotLK with the character you're applying with (10 and 25-man please): I started playing pretty late into WotLK so i never got to raid propperly, tho i have 9/12 in 25 and 6/12 in 10 man.

What's your raiding experience (pre-BC and BC) with the character you're applying with: None.

What's your raiding experience on other characters if you have any: 5/5 ToC 4/12 ICC as OT on my DK.

What do you think it means if we ask you to show up prepared for raiding: Gemed and Enchanted gear, flask, make sure that nothing will stop you from raiding, be on Vent/TS and know the tacs.

How do you think about raiding achievements (timed and HARD mode encounters): I think its pretty cool, achievements where you earn titles!

Do you have any WWS (or similar) logs to show us how you perform in raids: No.

Future: Im going to be Burning Blades best Shadow Priest! Very Happy

Are you planning to quit playing WoW in the near future (within 3 months): If i dont get to raid, ill probably quit, else, no.

Will there be any (predictable) irregularities in your attendance in the next 3 months (Holidays, Exams, etc) No.

2Shadow Priest Application (Accepted) Empty Re: Shadow Priest Application (Accepted) Sun Jan 09, 2011 1:46 pm



I remember riz from wotlk, very nice player. One of the better I've talked with. That's all I know though, but you should concider him despite his age.

3Shadow Priest Application (Accepted) Empty Re: Shadow Priest Application (Accepted) Tue Jan 11, 2011 11:49 am


Accepted for trial.

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