Your Character(s):
Char name/class/race: Holypalla Tauren Paladin
/played time on this character: 51 days / 0hrs / 21 min
What's your spec, and why: Holy, This character has always been holy and thats what has been working out the best for me. I enjoy healing.
What do you specifically like and/or dislike about your class and its specs: It's a very easy and great class to heal as. very usefull in raids and fun to play, even if its easy.
Do you have any gear for other specs and would you be willing to respec if we need you to: Retri, bout the same gear. Willing to respecc yes.
Do you have any other situational gear (resistances, etc): Not really. Could get if neccesary.
Do you have any alts and what are your goals on those: Lvl 85 warrior that just dinged, trying to gear him up and do some pvp with him.
Nationality: Swedish
Age: 18
Describe yourself briefly: Happy and active, working out most of my spare time, hanging out with friends and stuff. a social lil fellow.
Describe your ambitions in-game: To progress and have fun with great people around me.
Is the account you're using originally yours: Yes since 4 years back
Who else are able to access your account: Nobody
Guild History:
Previous guilds: Rise and Shine
Reason for changing guilds: I left becaus i wanted more ut of raiding, didnt want to wipe on already downed content for weeks because people never focused and just fooled around.
Have you switched servers before (which ones, how many times, etc)? Nope
What other guilds (if any) are you currently applying to: Urskogen and Chavs
How will you fit in: I will do my part for as much as i can. Ill try to get to know as many of you as i can and make the best of it.
What do you expect from raiding in The Conspiracy: Some semi-hardcore progressraiding. For the most to down content that i havnt already, such as Nefarian and Throne of 4 winds (never entered tofw) and to have loads of fun!
How do you react to negative feedback: I take critic very good and i will try to repair or shape up if anything is wrong.
What do you think is the most important thing for any raider to be successfull in a raid: That everyone is more focused of doing their own job the best, rather then nagging on people that does mistakes, sure you can help out and comment, but aslong as everyone does their part, everything is cake
Do you know anyone in The Conspiracy that could vouch for you: Siddhärta <3, Nubling hopefully (L)
Why should we pick you specifically: Because i am an active and very experienced raider, dedicated and once i aim for a goal, i try do whatever it takes to get to it.
Can you raid between 19:00(30) and 23.00(30)/24:00 Server Time ? Yes
How many (of the 3/4 official) raids would you join an average week? All of them ofc
Are you ok with rotating out of raids every now and then (without complaining about it every time)? Sure, if you find it neccesary its probably because of a reason so sure
Any days you can't raid or prefer to have as off-days? Friday nights probably, but we will see. IF i cant show up, i will let you know that beforehand.
What's your raiding experience in Cataclysm with the character you're applying with (10 and 25-man please): 4/5 Bwd Full BoT, Never entered Throne of 4 winds. but i heard its piss easy
What's your raiding experience (pre-BC; BC; WotLK) with the character you're applying with: Everything up to and incuding 11/12 25 man LK heroic. ( with Final Breath )
What's your raiding experience on other characters if you have any: Everything in TBC with Rise and Shine and The Brotherhood, Up to Mu'ru in Sunwell with Final Breath as alliance (on a shaman)
What do you think it means if we ask you to show up prepared for raiding: Flasks, food, pots and a good mood. preferably repaired ?
How do you think about raiding achievements (timed and HARD mode encounters): Aslong as everyone in the group can manage it, i think its great that some encounters are more challenging. And i gladly try them out if thats what we're aiming for.
Do you have any WWS (or similar) logs to show us how you perform in raids: Nope
Are you planning to quit playing WoW in the near future (within 3 months): No way
Will there be any (predictable) irregularities in your attendance in the next 3 months (Holidays, Exams, etc): Nope, well i graduate on June 8th, other then that there wont be any holdups.
What are your goals in Cataclysm and/or for the rest of the game content?: To be one of the earlier guilds to down new content. To have a fun time raiding or doing whatever the guild decides to do.
Do you have anything else to add?: Nope, just have a nice day and yeah... say hi to Siddhärta from me
Char name/class/race: Holypalla Tauren Paladin
/played time on this character: 51 days / 0hrs / 21 min
What's your spec, and why: Holy, This character has always been holy and thats what has been working out the best for me. I enjoy healing.
What do you specifically like and/or dislike about your class and its specs: It's a very easy and great class to heal as. very usefull in raids and fun to play, even if its easy.
Do you have any gear for other specs and would you be willing to respec if we need you to: Retri, bout the same gear. Willing to respecc yes.
Do you have any other situational gear (resistances, etc): Not really. Could get if neccesary.
Do you have any alts and what are your goals on those: Lvl 85 warrior that just dinged, trying to gear him up and do some pvp with him.
Nationality: Swedish
Age: 18
Describe yourself briefly: Happy and active, working out most of my spare time, hanging out with friends and stuff. a social lil fellow.
Describe your ambitions in-game: To progress and have fun with great people around me.
Is the account you're using originally yours: Yes since 4 years back
Who else are able to access your account: Nobody
Guild History:
Previous guilds: Rise and Shine
Reason for changing guilds: I left becaus i wanted more ut of raiding, didnt want to wipe on already downed content for weeks because people never focused and just fooled around.
Have you switched servers before (which ones, how many times, etc)? Nope
What other guilds (if any) are you currently applying to: Urskogen and Chavs
How will you fit in: I will do my part for as much as i can. Ill try to get to know as many of you as i can and make the best of it.
What do you expect from raiding in The Conspiracy: Some semi-hardcore progressraiding. For the most to down content that i havnt already, such as Nefarian and Throne of 4 winds (never entered tofw) and to have loads of fun!
How do you react to negative feedback: I take critic very good and i will try to repair or shape up if anything is wrong.
What do you think is the most important thing for any raider to be successfull in a raid: That everyone is more focused of doing their own job the best, rather then nagging on people that does mistakes, sure you can help out and comment, but aslong as everyone does their part, everything is cake
Do you know anyone in The Conspiracy that could vouch for you: Siddhärta <3, Nubling hopefully (L)
Why should we pick you specifically: Because i am an active and very experienced raider, dedicated and once i aim for a goal, i try do whatever it takes to get to it.
Can you raid between 19:00(30) and 23.00(30)/24:00 Server Time ? Yes
How many (of the 3/4 official) raids would you join an average week? All of them ofc
Are you ok with rotating out of raids every now and then (without complaining about it every time)? Sure, if you find it neccesary its probably because of a reason so sure
Any days you can't raid or prefer to have as off-days? Friday nights probably, but we will see. IF i cant show up, i will let you know that beforehand.
What's your raiding experience in Cataclysm with the character you're applying with (10 and 25-man please): 4/5 Bwd Full BoT, Never entered Throne of 4 winds. but i heard its piss easy
What's your raiding experience (pre-BC; BC; WotLK) with the character you're applying with: Everything up to and incuding 11/12 25 man LK heroic. ( with Final Breath )
What's your raiding experience on other characters if you have any: Everything in TBC with Rise and Shine and The Brotherhood, Up to Mu'ru in Sunwell with Final Breath as alliance (on a shaman)
What do you think it means if we ask you to show up prepared for raiding: Flasks, food, pots and a good mood. preferably repaired ?
How do you think about raiding achievements (timed and HARD mode encounters): Aslong as everyone in the group can manage it, i think its great that some encounters are more challenging. And i gladly try them out if thats what we're aiming for.
Do you have any WWS (or similar) logs to show us how you perform in raids: Nope
Are you planning to quit playing WoW in the near future (within 3 months): No way
Will there be any (predictable) irregularities in your attendance in the next 3 months (Holidays, Exams, etc): Nope, well i graduate on June 8th, other then that there wont be any holdups.
What are your goals in Cataclysm and/or for the rest of the game content?: To be one of the earlier guilds to down new content. To have a fun time raiding or doing whatever the guild decides to do.
Do you have anything else to add?: Nope, just have a nice day and yeah... say hi to Siddhärta from me