The Conspiracy
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The Conspiracy

Burning Blade Hardcore Raiding Guild

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Warrior tank reapply (Accepted)

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1Warrior tank reapply (Accepted) Empty Warrior tank reapply (Accepted) Thu Feb 24, 2011 11:12 am



Your Character(s):
Char name/class/race: Hydroxine/Warrior/Troll
/played time on this character: 79d 20hrs
What's your spec, and why: Protection, because i want to be something important in raids.
What do you specifically like and/or dislike about your class and its specs: I like that i can save someone's lie by just simply tanking.
Do you have any gear for other specs and would you be willing to respec if we need you to: I Have recently started gearing my dps OS, but it aint even good for hc's Razz
Do you have any other situational gear (resistances, etc): Nope
Do you have any alts and what are your goals on those: Zylivia, which is already in the guild. Have no goals with it, but will help guild with it if needed

Nationality: Finnish
Describe yourself briefly: I am very patient person, who can spend few hours in my chair wiping to any raid boss.
Describe your ambitions in-game: I really don't like wiping on easy bosses, but i won't complain about it
Is the account you're using originally yours: Yes.
Who else are able to access your account: Nobody.

Guild History:
Previous guilds: The Conspiracy, The Most Hated
Reason for changing guilds: First i wanted to do some casual raiding, so i left conspiracy, but then i missed the "real" raiding.
Have you switched servers before (which ones, how many times, etc)? Once, from Stormreaver to here
What other guilds (if any) are you currently applying to: None

How will you fit in:
What do you expect from raiding in The Conspiracy: Nice time with other people, and progress
How do you react to negative feedback: I will learn from the mistake i did so there won't be more negative feedback.
What do you think is the most important thing for any raider to be successfull in a raid: Have all items enchanted/gemed, foods, pots/flasks
Do you know anyone in The Conspiracy that could vouch for you: Zylivia (but im guessing that doesn't count xD)
Why should we pick you specifically: Because i show up on time and have flasks, also i am very fast learning stuff

Can you raid between 18:30.00 and 23.30 Server Time ? Yes
How many (of the 3/4 official) raids would you join an average week? All, but sometimes my job limits my playing that i will have to leave at 22 server time or so.
Are you ok with rotating out of raids every now and then (without complaining about it every time)? Yes
Any days you can't raid or prefer to have as off-days? i would prefer tuesday as off-day, but still can raid that day
What's your raiding experience in WotLK with the character you're applying with (10 and 25-man please): 10-man naxx, os maly clear, ulduar few bosses, toc full, icc few bosses
25-man os, maly, toc clear, icc few bosses
What's your raiding experience (pre-BC and BC) with the character you're applying with: kara, gruul, maggy clear, ZA 3 bosses
What's your raiding experience on other characters if you have any: Zylivia, full icc 10man
What do you think it means if we ask you to show up prepared for raiding: I have all foods, flasks, potions ready and show up on time.
How do you think about raiding achievements (timed and HARD mode encounters): They are really fun, especially hardmodes
Do you have any WWS (or similar) logs to show us how you perform in raids: nope

Are you planning to quit playing WoW in the near future (within 3 months): Hell no
Will there be any (predictable) irregularities in your attendance in the next 3 months (Holidays, Exams, etc): will be unable to log for the next week, cuz im at holiday Sad
What are your goals in WotLK and perhaps even in the next expansion?: since WotLK is over now, my goals in cata are getting as many end-game bosses down as possible.
Do you have anything else to add?: Smile Smile Smile If i missed something or you need to ask me about anything, i will be happy to answer them.

2Warrior tank reapply (Accepted) Empty Re: Warrior tank reapply (Accepted) Fri Feb 25, 2011 2:29 am


Welcome back mate ACCEPTED!

3Warrior tank reapply (Accepted) Empty Re: Warrior tank reapply (Accepted) Fri Feb 25, 2011 6:17 pm


Welcome back!

Closing thead.

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