The Conspiracy
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The Conspiracy

Burning Blade Hardcore Raiding Guild

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Phãntãm - Resto shaman - Accepted

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1Phãntãm - Resto shaman - Accepted Empty Phãntãm - Resto shaman - Accepted Thu Sep 09, 2010 3:14 pm



Char name/class/race: Phãntãm - Shaman - tauren

/played time on this character: 30 days, 15 hours
What's your spec, and why: Restoration. Well i love healing, raid healing specifically, and i feel more important healing. Ok ok resto shaman mainly just use chain heal, but timing them and using them effectively is why i love playing this class.

What do you specifically like and/or dislike about your class and its specs: I like how effective Chain heal is at healing up raid damage, also how it minimises over healing. I Dont like how simple resto shaman can be at times, its possible to do whole boss encounters without casting anything but Chain Heal (not including refreshing earth shield)

Do you have any gear for other specs and would you be willing to respec if we need you to: Currently i do have some elemental gear both PvE and PvP, and some poor Enhancement Pve gear, and yes i am more than willing to respec, i enjoy all the specs and play styles.

Armory-link: Phãntãm

Do you have any other situational gear (resistances, etc): No resistance gear and no situational gear, but could get some if needed.

Do you have any alts and what are your goals on those: I have quite alot of alts/old main char's, but the main two that i play are:

Failce - 80 Holy/Shadow Priest
Shadówsong - 80 MM Hunter

My goals on them characters are to get more gear and have fun doing so.

You: Scott Whicker

Nationality: English

Age: 19

Describe yourself briefly: Well im quite quiet usually, tend to be more vocal on games, like to have fun. I am currently at University studying Digital Media (specialising in Web Design), when im not at uni or doing coursework im pretty much allways in game, occasionally play Guitar Hero and other Xbox games.

Describe your ambitions in-game: Well my main ambition is to enjoy the game. I love raiding, even if its bosses that ive done many many times, i enjoy getting more experienced, and learning the group and working with them. And id like to get as far as i can, i never got a chance to in TBC as i started around launch and didnt play much then, and not WoTLK has been great, look forward to Cataclysm. I did have a little ambition to get full T10.2 gear (or the appearance of), purely because i hate the standard T10.

Is the account you're using originally yours: Yes.

Who else are able to access your account: Noone but myself.

Guild History: This character hasnt been in many guilds, usually with RL friend Specialz, so ive been in Matalan Soldiers, Ascended, Ex Nihilo/Curious Incidents

Reason for changing guilds: Poor leadership in a few, disorganisation, too many slackers and struggling to get raids going.

Have you switched servers before (which ones, how many times, etc)? This character hasnt, but 3 of my 80 alts have all from Kilrogg EU to Burning Blade, (and faction changes to horde ofc)

What other guilds (if any) are you currently applying to: None

How will you fit in: I should fit in well, im not argumentative, way i see it there is no point in drama, because after all its not real life, i tend to get on well with people so yeah.

What do you expect from raiding in The Conspiracy: Benefits of people knowing what the hell to do, sick and tired of fail PUG's (Burning blade PUG's ftl)

How do you react to negative feedback: Well, i listen to what is being said, and if it necessary then i will try to learn from it and improve.

What do you think is the most important thing for any raider to be successfull in a raid: Be prepared, know tactics, bring everything you need for the raid, flasks, feasts, food buffs if necessary, know how to play your class, good team work, and dont be a douche.

Do you know anyone in The Conspiracy that could vouch for you: Specialz and Managuy

Why should we pick you specifically: Becuase i am a well knowledged player, attentive, allways do my best, and love doing what i do.

Can you raid between 18:30.00 and 23.30 Server Time? : Yes

How many (of the 3/4 official) raids would you join an average week?: All, and if i am not able to i would let a high ranking member know and explain why.

Are you ok with rotating out of raids every now and then (without complaining about it every time)?: Of course, would be more than happy to.

Any days you can't raid or prefer to have as off-days? Only fridays and saturdays, but from what ive read those arent raiding days.

What's your raiding experience in WotLK with the character you're applying with (10 and 25-man please):
Naxx10 - Clear
EoE10 - Clear
OS10 - Clear + 3D
OS25 - Clear
Uld25 - Flame Leviathan, XT-002
ToC10 - Clear
ToC25 - 4/5
ICC10 - 11/12
ICC10HC - 1/12
ICC25 - 6/12
ICC25HC - 1/12

What's your raiding experience (pre-BC and BC) with the character you're applying with:

What's your raiding experience on other characters if you have any: The two mentioned alts both havce pretty much the same experience up to ICC10/25 6/12

What do you think it means if we ask you to show up prepared for raiding: Be on time, bring flasks, reagents if needed, buff food, mana and healing potions, fully repaired and enough gold for repairs. Also OS gear if needed.

How do you think about raiding achievements (timed and HARD mode encounters): Im not to fussed about getting them personally, but it is great to be able to do them, and especially when the whole raid gets them, i love the guild chat spam.

Do you have any WWS (or similar) logs to show us how you perform in raids: Nope Sorry

Are you planning to quit playing WoW in the near future (within 3 months): Not at all

Will there be any (predictable) irregularities in your attendance in the next 3 months (Holidays, Exams, etc): No, none at all

What are your goals in WotLK and perhaps even in the next expansion?: See and Beat as much content as i possibly can, and in Cata, enjoy leveling my alts, instead of rushing through as i have done.

Do you have anything else to add?: Ever since i started WoW ive allways wanted to be in a good raiding guild and enjoy time spent with guild members and friends. So far no luck but, i feel that with you i will really enjoy my time spent with you all, especially in Cata as a good stong guild will be very very helpfull. oh and if you need to type my chars name its alt+198 for the ã's. =]

2Phãntãm - Resto shaman - Accepted Empty Re: Phãntãm - Resto shaman - Accepted Thu Sep 09, 2010 4:25 pm


This guy really and honestly is a great healer i 100% vouch for him what ever raid i have been in with him he has topped healing Great STUFF!

3Phãntãm - Resto shaman - Accepted Empty Re: Phãntãm - Resto shaman - Accepted Thu Sep 09, 2010 10:35 pm



Wrong enchant on chest, there should be +10 all stats, and also wrong enchant on boots, there should be 15 stam and minor run speed increase. Also I sugest you should have meta for 11 mp5 + 3% crit chance on heal.

Then I would like to ask about your totem and crit chance trinket, do you have enough time to use flame shock, instead of riptide while healing ?

But good looking appli, so good luck Smile

4Phãntãm - Resto shaman - Accepted Empty Re: Phãntãm - Resto shaman - Accepted Fri Sep 10, 2010 7:28 am



errrm i can change the enchants, think i must have my ele totem on usually use the one that has a chance to add 243sp on chain heals,

as for my meta, i have alot of crit already, (plus couldnt find one on AH) but ill see what i can do, if you think it will be beneficial =]

5Phãntãm - Resto shaman - Accepted Empty Re: Phãntãm - Resto shaman - Accepted Fri Sep 10, 2010 11:31 am



Your experience and gear aint meeting up with most of our members, though we are in need of another good resto shaman. Though everying isnt based on gear or gayscore it is mostly skills. We value our players skills more than anything.
I will expect extra much from you, and you to atleast keep up with the other healers.
Accepted for trial.

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