The Conspiracy
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The Conspiracy

Burning Blade Hardcore Raiding Guild

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Moonshift Resto Druid app

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1Moonshift Resto Druid app Empty Moonshift Resto Druid app Sun Mar 27, 2011 12:41 pm


Your Character(s): Moonshift
Char name/class/race: Tauren druid
/played time on this character: 27 days 7 hours 46 minutes
What's your spec, and why: Restoration because I have always liked healing. I really like healing in cataclysm because you need to decide which spell is best for the current situation.
What do you specifically like and/or dislike about your class and its specs: I really like my hotts because they heal even when I am CCed.
Do you have any gear for other specs and would you be willing to respec if we need you to: I have a little amount of balance gear, which is my offspecc for dailyquestst. I will be willing to get gear and respecc to balance.
Armory-link: The armory is down at the moment
Do you have any other situational gear (resistances, etc): No, because I have had no need to get it atm.
Do you have any alts and what are your goals on those: I have a 80 Hunter, goal on that is play on it when I want to play on something else than my druid, I also have a paladin on a diffrent server which I only do PvP with.

You: Brynni
Nationality: Norway
Age: 18
Describe yourself briefly: A student, I like music, I exercise 2 times a week. I am a very kind person and contribute and help peolpe who I enjoy gaming with, and I like to get social with people on the internet.
Describe your ambitions in-game: Find a guild with nice and trustworthy people to do normal 10 or 25 man raids. Have fun
Is the account you're using originally yours: yes
Who else are able to access your account: no

Guild History: In TBC i only leveled toons and did 2v2. I started playing WoW in the Black temple patch.

Delay no more 25 man raiding guild we cleared everything and was in it during the first patch of Wotlk. Got kicked because I was young had to go early in a raid.

Legendsofnorthrend/Retry my own guild with some IRL friends had it during the beginning of wrath cleared naxx 10 and 4 first bosses in ulduar was a casual guild. Disbanded because starting on Burning Blade.

The rest of Wotlk I just Pvped and pugged tournament and 4 first bosses in ICC.

League of Awesomeness a guild with my IRL fridns. Cataclysm guild

Previous guilds: See the previous point.
Reason for changing guilds: Because i gave up on finding people to my own guild, and never found any cool people so I wanted to find my own guild.
Have you switched servers before (which ones, how many times, etc)? i originally created my druid on Stormscale, because it is a high populated and good Horde PVP server. I then transfered to BB because I have my IRL friends there.
What other guilds (if any) are you currently applying to: I am only applying to The Conspiracy
How will you fit in: I will be the person who contribute to the guild with my JC. Joining your alts side raid team and progressing on the normal content.
What do you expect from raiding in The Conspiracy: Be the loyal replacement dude if you desperatly need me XD, Joining the sideteams Normal raids, do guild HC.
How do you react to negative feedback: I have no problem with negative feedback,
What do you think is the most important thing for any raider to be successfull in a raid: Cooperation and don't get mad when you wipe and never give up.
Do you know anyone in The Conspiracy that could vouch for you: Wála, but he left (siddahrta maybe)
Why should we pick you specifically: Because I will be loyal and show up to the raid times, I am one of the people who enjoy the game when we progress in raids and get acchivs. I also like to go and have fun around in azeroth, and I am not like the "give me epics and nice free loots,make the game less social and easier" people who were created during wrath.

Can you raid between 19:00(30) and 23.00(30)/24:00 Server Time ? Yes I can do that on friday, saturday, but not so late on wednesdays and sundays.
How many (of the 3/4 official) raids would you join an average week? I wont join the hardcore raids, but I will be in atleast 1 raid if there are any normal raids vreated and I have time to be there.
Are you ok with rotating out of raids every now and then (without complaining about it every time)? Yes absolutely.
Any days you can't raid or prefer to have as off-days? monday, thursday.
What's your raiding experience in Cataclysm with the character you're applying with (10 and 25-man please): I have only tried on magmaw with a horrible group. I have killed Argaloth in 10 and 25 man.
What's your raiding experience (pre-BC; BC; WotLK) with the character you're applying with: see the guild history point.
What's your raiding experience on other characters if you have any: Killed all the bosses in uldaur on Hardmode.
What do you think it means if we ask you to show up prepared for raiding: Get flasks, gem and enchant my gear properly, maybe lvl cooking to get feastst or get mats to it. get mana potions.
How do you think about raiding achievements (timed and HARD mode encounters): I love when we get achivsments as a guild and do my best to get them if we try on any.
Do you have any WWS (or similar) logs to show us how you perform in raids: No sorry I don't.

Are you planning to quit playing WoW in the near future (within 3 months): Maybe a 2-3 week exam break, but thats it.
Will there be any (predictable) irregularities in your attendance in the next 3 months (Holidays, Exams, etc): Exams or if I go on holiday in July.
What are your goals in Cataclysm and/or for the rest of the game content?:Clear everything on Normal.
Do you have anything else to add?: I love beeing in a skilled guild =D

2Moonshift Resto Druid app Empty Re: Moonshift Resto Druid app Mon Mar 28, 2011 5:48 pm


Armory is down at the moment but if you haven't killed any cata bosses I assume your gear is full blue apart from exalted epics?

We are recruiting for heroic modes, which requires mostly full epic, well on your way to 4 part t11 etc.

I'll leave this for codex to decide once we see your armory.

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